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Ministry of Science and Technology

Since 2004, the Ministry of Science and Technology MCT, through the Secretariat for Social Inclusion SECIS and the UNIEMP Institute, organizes the “Regional Forums and Innovation Networks”.

The MCT, through the UNIEMP Institute, implements processes for integrating various economic and social development actors, mobilizing public power (local, provincial and federal governments), universities, and the innovative or involved productive sector. It also counts on the assistance of different active civil society groups to draft an articulation plan for public policy in order to strengthen different actions in Science and Technology- S&T.

The main objective of the Forums is the promotion of technological innovation and social inclusion, through regional diagnostics. Its implementation in the state of Sao Paulo constitutes as state policy for technological innovation and for social inclusion. Initially, six regions in the state were highlighted: Riberão Preto, Campinas, São José dos Campos, ABCD, western Grande São Paulo and the expanded polygon of the Central Region, which is formed by the municipalities of Araraquara, Jau, Bauru, São Carlos and Botucatu.

The interaction for innovation and social development should serve for linking actions between public administration, private entities, learning and research institutions and civil society. By expanding existing alternatives and available technologies in each region, different companies with their own technical, economic and social dimensions can be constructed. The confirmation of economic, industrial, and social conditions and realities will help diagnose the administrative demands, technological innovation, and social policy management which will be communicated and will become public in the “Regional Forums”. In this way, opportunities for strengthening the articulation of the “Innovation Network” are identified; new operating groups are formed and social inclusion to attain human development is promoted.

For more information:
SECIS: "Secretaria de Ciência e Tecnologia para a Inclusão Social"

UNIEMP Institute - Permanent Fórum of the University- Company Relations

Focal Point IDEASS: Prof. Waldomiro Loyola - Coordinator
Tel: +55 11 2178-0466 / 84471487
Av. Paulista 2198 16° andar
Cerqueira César, S. Paulo – SP
CEP: 01310-300

The UNIEMP Institute is a non-profit association established in August 10, 1991. Its institutional mission and commitment is directed towards the management and transformation of the innovative knowledge produced in different scientific fields, to an economic value that promotes development and social inclusion. Its main goal is “to promote cohesion between the programs established by the federal state and municipal governments, in the area of technological development”, as mentioned in the 5º article, section III of its Statute.
From its foundation, the UNIEMP Institute has signed agreements with diverse public institutions from the State of São Paulo and the Federal Government. It has distinguished itself for the persistence in supporting technological innovation, particularly in the development of Computational Systems of information, its installation and maintenance. In particular, some works have been carried out for the Official Press, the Court of Accounts of São Paulo, the Foundation for Education Development and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

For more information: