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• Brazil

Participatory Budgeting
International interest

Numerous municipalities from all over the world have come to Porto Alegre to see how participatory budgeting works and many have adopted its approach, including the municipalities of Saint-Denis (France), Rosario (Argentina), Montevideo (Uruguay), Barcelona (Spain), Toronto (Canada), and Brussels (Belgium). In Brazil, more than 100 cities make use of participatory budgeting.

The city has won three ‘Prefeito Criança’ prizes, in 1999, 2000 and 2004, awarded by the ‘Fundação Abrinq para os Direitos da Criança’ and UNICEF. This is the major national prize for cities that have distinguished themselves in activities for the protection of children and adolescents.

Porto Alegre won the title of ‘Mercocidades Cultural Capital’ in 2000.

It is considered by the UN as one of the 40 best urban administration practices in the world. Participatory budgeting is also recommended by the World Bank as an example of successful joint action by the government and civil society.