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• Nicaragua

Filtron, ceramic filter for drinking water

FILTRÓN technology has spread quickly. It is easily acquired because it responds to community needs and uses components that are common to many different world cultures.

The rapid spread of FILTRÓN has made it the subject of numerous studies and laboratory tests carried out by:

Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT, USA)


CIRA/UNI (the National Engineering University’s Water Research Centre)

CIDEA/UCA (the University of Central America’s Water Ecosystems Research Centre)

Zamorano University (Honduras)

Rafael Landivar University (Guatemala)

University of Colorado (USA)

University of Tulane (USA)

University of North Carolina (USA)

International Federation of the Red Cross

CITA/Cuba (Institute of Hydraulic Resources)

Engineers without Borders

Health Ministries of Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Ghana and Guatemala

All tests showed that the filter was successful in technical terms and that health education and hygiene were required.

Potters for Peace has facilitated production by standardising filter size. Filtration rate is set at one to two litres an hour, verified during quality control. Production potential is 1,000 to 4,000 filters a month.

Since the technology is easy to acquire and the production process quick to set up, FILTRÓN is at present disseminated in 13 countries.

The initial outlay is US$ 10.00, and another US$ 4 for the annual replacement of the filter. Cost comes to US$ 0.03 per day or US$ 0.001 per litre of water.

FILTRÓN reduces the risk of illness caused by consumption of contaminated water by 50%. Health education, hygiene and monitoring ensure product effectiveness.