BACTIVEC® Y GRISELESF®, Bio-larvicides for mosquito control
International Interest
GRISELESF® is registered and has been employed in 13 countries in Central and South America, Africa and Asia. BACTIVEC® is registered in 9 countries in Central and South America, Africa and Asia.
Due to the indubitable advantages represented by GRISELESF® and BATIVEC® as ecologically safe agents for the control of mosquito larvae, different national and international organisations have promoted the use of these bio-larvicides.
At the national level, use is primarily promoted by the health ministries of the different countries in which they have been applied, at the central, provincial and municipal levels.
Agriculture ministries, too, employ these bio-larvicides to protect people involved in agricultural activities.
It is also of interest to tourism ministries and the tourist industry, since the use of these bio-larvicides controls mosquito infestations without polluting the environment, as was the case with chemical products.
At the international level, GRISELESF® and BACTIVEC® have gained prestige through the backing given to them by PAHO/WHO and the United Nations Development Programme (PNUD), which have recommended integrating them into other methods for combating disease carriers in countries facing emergency epidemiological situations.