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• Serbia

IMS Building Technology
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•Apartment house built in the IMS skeleton system. Tbilisi: TbilZNIIEP Institute, 1981 (in Russian).
•Certificato d’idoneita delle strutture realizzate secondo il sistema IMS. Roma: Ministero dei lavori pubblici, 1964.
•Dimitrijevic, Radovan and Gavrilovic, Branka. Precast prestressed concrete skeleton in contemporary building - IMS system. Belgrade: IMS Institute, 2000.
•Dimitrijevic, Radovan. “Prestressing technology in housing – Yugoslav experience”, XII FIP Congress, IMS Institute Proceedings, 2 (Vol. XXI, 1994), Belgrade.
•Dimitrijevic, Radovan. “Researches of the column – slab joint in the IMS skeleton system”, IMS Institute Proceedings, 1 (Vol. XXI, 1994), Belgrade.
•Manojlovic, Milos. Application of the pre-cast post-tensioned framework superstructure – Feasibility study. Belgrade: IMS Institute, 1993.
•Markarov, N.A. and Filaretov, M.N. “Structural and technological characteristics of the skeleton – panel buildings with stressed reinforcements at the building site in USSR”, Concrete and prestressed concrete, 4 (April 1990), Moscow (in Russian).
•Report on expert commission on testing and bearing control of floor – slab module in the plant of Allami Epitoipari Vallalat, Baranya. Budapest: EMI, 1981 (in Hungarian).
•Report on the scientific-technical testing and testing of results of a three-storey segment of the sixteen-storey experimental building in Taskent. Moscow: Central scientific – research and design – experimental institute for the construction of complex building structures, 1991 (in Russian).
•Static testing of the IMS system – column and slab load bearing characteristics. Beijing: Building research institute of The state administration of building construction, 1979 (in Chinese).
•Testing report on bearing characteristics of joints for duna – tesit (IMS) structures and the possibilities for their strengthening. Budapest: EMI, 1990. (in Hungarian).

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