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• Spain

A return to the use of natural dyes
International interest

Institutions and associations

It is impossible to number the many organisations whose programmes are based on the aforementioned guidelines. Here are just a few examples:

AMACUP - Asociación Mexicana de Artes y Culturas Populares (México)
Couleur Garance. Dye Plant Conservatory Garden, Lauris (France)
Filière des Colorants Naturels. Association for dye plant research and promotion (France)
DOBAG project (naturally dyed rugs), Marmara University and German Development Aid Programme (Turkey)
Earthues, Seattle, USA

Work carried out on natural dyes and dyeing has received numerous international prizes. Here are a few examples of the awards received in the last three years:

L’Oréal Foundation Prize “Art et Science de la Couleur” to Dominique Cardon for Le Monde des Teintures naturelles, 2003
The Prize “Tierra de Mujeres” for work on protecting the environment, awarded to Ana Roquero for her work on dyeing, French Institute - Ives Rocher Foundation, 2004-2005
Medal for Ecological Merit “Fundación Música por la Tierra” awarded to Habacuc (purple dye producer in the Tehuantepec Isthmus), Marta Turok (anthropologist) and Javier Acevedo (biologist), 18 May 2006

Finally, mention should be made of "International Symposium on Natural Dyes" sponsored by UNESCO and the Craft Council of India, held in Hyderabad (India) in November 2006. The meeting was attended by more than 6000 specialists (dyers, historians, anthropologists, museum curators, chemists, artists, etc) from 52 countries. A good omen for the future of environmentally friendly dyes.