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• France

Agricultural Towers for multi-level Cultivation
Agricultural towers in practice

The devices for the watering system are fed by a solar panel fixed on the tower's roof which, due to the battery, is self-sufficient in energy. The number of solar panels can be increased to meet other needs.

The roof protects the crops from bad weather and hail storms. It also permits the recovery of rain water which, through an independent circuit, runs down into a tank placed under the tower, providing a free, permanent and renewable water supply.

This supply can be increased by the choice of a larger tank and/or the boring of a well under the tower during its set up. The tower is then self-sufficient, its water being pumped on demand by a semi closed regulation system described in the following paragraph. The tanks are closed off from any exterior pollution.

The semi-closed watering system is run by an electronic card placed in an electric box which also protects the battery and the pump. The system provides different watering modes: drop by drop, in a continuous flow or through the bottom of the tub. A computerized water control system makes it possible to meet the precise needs of every type of crop.

The programmer placed on the front of the box enables a quick access to the watering program, frequency, duration.

A warning light will indicate a possible lack of water. The watering task being no longer necessary, your staff will be available for more productive work. It is also possible to add to the watering system a parallel treating system, collecting the watering excess in a separate tank with no risk of pollution of surrounding grounds with unwanted discharge.

The most innovative aspect of this system is most likely the recycling of the remaining water usually wasted after watering. Clay balls, placed in a bag on the bottom of the tub, work as a filter and maintain a constant humidity. Rain water seeps through clay and generates, by capillarity, a pool of water that is returned to the roots during the normal phase of evaporation.

This natural phase, reproduced in our concept, enables the plants to wait between two watering, avoiding a possible lack of water. You can save from 50 to 70% of water depending on atmospheric conditions and the type of crop.

One of the many innovations is the use of self-supporting rails holding the tubs; they are adjustable in height every 5 cm enabling gardening in a standing position without the drawbacks of traditional gardening on the ground.

The height of the passageway is also adjustable and, together with the stairs, allows access to all floors. Light can reach the plants through the duckboards and the translucent roof. The width of the passageways can be adapted for the disabled and wheel chairs. The quality of the working conditions goes together with the quality of crop supervision. At the right level for a man, it is much easier to inspect the plants, detect diseases, parasites, etc.

Adapted to every need (cultivating, pre-cultivating, tree nurseries, experimentation), the agricultural tower is totally self-sufficient and can even provide energy above its own needs.

For large production units it's possible to equip them with elevators to make harvesting easier. They can also be converted into greenhouses for the winter using reinforced plastic sheeting fixed on the structure. Similarly, netting can also be used to protect from insects.

With these towers, the crops are untouched by accidental liquid or solid pollution, flooding or mudslides. This raised position also prevents access to rodents and numerous other crawling animals that cannot climb on the galvanized steel structures. Therefore, the number of production failures due to disease, pollution, bad weather, animals and insects is considerably reduced.