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• Guatemala
• El Salvador
• Honduras

Service Centers for the Entrepreneurial Endeavors of Women

Each of the thirteen CSEMs has achieved important results fnancing and technically supporting the entrepreneurs. However, it is the positioning of the CSEMs in the departmental planning,negotiatingand decision making institutions that has achieved a real impact in the territories. The CSEMs entered into twenty collaboration agreements with public and private actors, and managed to create gender equality plans in fve departments.

From 2006
to 2008, the CSEMs achieved the promotion of twenty-fve strategic entrepreneurships that covered a diverse range of territorial identity products. More than 1200 women have had accessto fnancing. 3500 women have had access to business services, including support at commercial fairs, assistance on design and implementation of business plans, new product design and training.

Other results of the CSEMs

Territorial economic
potential and marketing study.3800 female entrepreneurships were identifed and inventoried with the support of the LEDAs and four universities, which cover 66% of the municipalities of the thirteen departments. In Nicaragua were identifed, inventoried and geographically referenced four entrepreneurial conglomerations of clay ceramics, textiles and soft cheese with a total of 568 production shops.

Promotion and diffusion of women’s entrepreneurships. 670 entrepreneurs were supported at fairs and commercial exchanges; women’s entrepreneurships participated in fve supportive economy and fair trading fairs as well as fourteen gastronomic festivals; thirteen entrepreneurial women networks were strengthened; eight collective entrepreneurships were organized; support was provided towards the creation and implementation of 302 business plans.

Education and training
. Women in all thirteen departments were trained on: partnership for the development of economic initiatives, basic principles of business creation, basic fnances, administration, fnancing, marketing, and credit administration. Training and technical assistance activities were carried out on: agricultural products production and cultivation, processing (bottling), quality improvement, brand and label design, creation of business plans, quality regulations, product sales and marketing, and services.

Financial services
and micro credits. Trust funds were activated and 1200 credits were granted, differentiating finance products based on the positioning of entrepreneurial women within the prioritized value chains.