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Low cost Biodigesters to produce biogas and natural fertilizer from organic waste
How to set up Low-cost biodigesters in other countries

Low-cost biodigester projects can be implemented for small and medium producers who raise cattle and generate organic waste requiring treatment.Biodigesters can be implemented also in industrial processes: dairy products, coffee, soft drinks, slaughter houses, and others.Interest in wastewater treatment has increased in recent years and there have already been numerous experiences in this field, making low-cost biodigesters a valid alternative to basic sanitation in social infrastructure.

Biodigester implementation projects can be designed at national, regional, sectoral or specific levels, but should always initiate from a demand by stakeholders.This means that potential users must be aware of the effectiveness of this alternative technology.

Therefore, to initiate a biodigester implementation project, the first step is to disseminate the technology as widely as possible, illustrating:
· The direct benefits, such as biogas and biol
· The indirect benefits, such as health, hygiene, cost savings, increased productivity and proper waste treatment.
· Daily biodigester management
· Biodigestion system maintenance
· Installation costs
· The different scenarios in which a biodigester can be used.

The second stage, when there is a conscious demand from potential users, involves capacity building and methodology transfer.

The first level of capacity building and technology transfer to promote national, regional and industry projects is aimed at companies, institutions, governments and universities.Training includes:
· Types of low-cost biodigesters
· Technology and knowledge transfer
· Design methodologies adapted to local materials and temperature,
· Research methodologies and adaptation to new circumstances
· Project management
· Maintenance service
· Low-cost biodigester project sustainability

A second level of training, to implement specific executive projects, is aimed at producers and installers.In this case theoretical and practical training includes:
· Locally available materials for the construction of biodigesters
· Installation of various types of low-cost biodigesters
· Biogas applications (cooking, heating, lighting and motors)
· Biol applications (application type, crops, dosing and post-treatment)
· Capacity building for producers
· Low-cost biodigester operation and maintenance.
· Locally available materials for the construction of biodigesters
· Installation of various types of low-cost biodigesters
· Biogas applications (cooking, heating, lighting and motors)
· Biol applications (application type, crops, dosing and post-treatment)
· Capacity building for producers
· Low-cost biodigester operation and maintenance.