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Féz (Morocco)

Building on the successful first edition of 2008, this year’s EBN - UNDP/IDEASS International Contest for Innovation has been officially launched during the Closing Session on the 26th of June, at the 18th EBN Congress which took place in Fez, Morocco.

This year’s theme, Eco-Innovations, has been first announced at the Cleantech Thematic Working Group meeting on the 24th of June.

Following the Congress, the communication about the Contest for Innovation 2009 has been sent to the whole EBN Network. The deadline for application is the 30th of September 2009. Guidelines, application form and description of the Award are available on the following webpage:

The European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the IDEASS Programme (Innovations for Development and South-South cooperation), have established a cooperation framework aimed at developing innovations and their dissemination by launching, among other activities, the realization of an international contest open to the 200+ BICs gathered into the EBN. The contest’s objective is to identify innovative products, methodologies, solutions and experiences which can be adapted and implemented in other contexts, to solve problems in various sectors.

The Scientific Committee who will evaluate the applications submitted will be officially announced soon. The prizes of the competition will be delivered on the 26th of November 2009, in Finland, during the Lahti Cleantech Venture Day.

Application form

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