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About IDEASS website

On March 2012, the IDEASS website registered 17.398 contacts and 99.280 viewed pages from 136 different countries. The most visited sections of the site have been the International Catalogue of innovations, news and banner section, and the technological reviews. These results of international impact are being achieved thanks to the quality of the methodologies and technologies promoted and the collaboration of their authors.

The top 20 countries accessing the site are, in order: United States, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Italy, Bolivia, Guatemala, Ecuador, Nicaragua, United Kingdom, France, Costa Rica, Albania, Japan, Portugal and El Salvador.

The 20 new entry countries are: Sudan, Kazakhstan, Benin, Cyprus, Belarus, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Fiji, Norway, Haiti, Ghana, Andorra, Rwanda, Palestine, Cambodia, Zambia, Gabon, Antigua and Barbuda, Netherlands Antilles, Luxembourg and French Guiana.

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