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LABIOFAM Biological Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Cuba

The Biological Pharmaceutical Laboratories of CUBA LABIOFAM has developed a biological rodenticide that makes use of a rat specific pathogen isolated at the end of the 19th century. This has led to the production of BIORAT, the only product presently on the market that can guarantee: highly effective and demonstrable control of rats and mice; total harmlessness towards other animal species; environmental friendliness and high biodegradability; long time spans between repeat applications because of its multiplier effect; broad spectrum of action since effects are transmitted through infection.

Focal Point IDEASS:
José A. Fraga Castro

Ave. Rancho Boyeros, km. 16, Boyeros, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba
Tel: (+ 53) 7 33 20 63
Fax: ( + 53) 7 33 57 48