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Trieste Department of Mental Health, Italy

The Trieste Department of Mental Health, author of the Brochure From the asylum to territorial services for mental health, provide technical assistance to countries wishing to initiate mental health reform processes. Since 1987 the Mental Health Department of Trieste has been an advanced experience in deinstitutionalization and community mental health services development in Italy and Europe. Since 1987 the WHO has recognized the experience of Trieste as a point of reference for innovative approaches to psychiatric care. In 2010 the Department of Mental Health of Trieste was reconfirmed as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. In 30 years, more than 50 countries in Europe and other continents have visited the mental health services in Trieste to set up similar processes with the technical assistance of their colleagues in Trieste.

For more information:

Trieste Department of Mental Health

Peppe Dell’Acqua
Director of the Trieste Department of Mental Health
Phone +390403997350
Email address:

Roberto Mezzina
Director of the WHO Collaborative Centre
Email address: