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Reynaldo Espino from the LABIOFAM Institute in Cuba will conduct a mission in Libya from September 18 until October 27, in order to promote the biological rodenticide BIORAT. The mission activities will be carried out within the framework of the ART GOLD Programme and in close collaboration with the General Environment Authority (EGA), its Scientific Committee for Rodent Control and the local Governments of the regions involved.
Libya is a country where plagues of rats are growing rapidly as a result of the urbanization process. All Libyan regions have embarked on initiatives for the elimination or reduction of the rat population. In particular, Misrata local authorities are interested in BIORAT and they officially asked to receive all the information regarding the opportunities related to BIORAT and the IDEASS initiative.
On September 20, the LABIOFAM expert will present BIORAT characteristics, benefits, previous experiences and applications in a national workshop, organized by the EGA and open to more of 200 representatives from national and local institutions.
The expert will carry out practical tests of BIORAT in selected areas in collaboration with EGA. He will analyze its effectiveness in the context, in view of the installation of the south-south project for the BIORAT production in Libya.
For more information about BIORAT please visit:



In June 2006 Julio Portieles (International Secretariat IDEASS) carried out a mission in Libya in order to implement the IDEASS Program in the country. This mission was realized within the framework of the ART GOLD Programme and in close collaboration with national institutions. One of the most important results was the organisation of a technical mission of the Biological Pharmaceutical Laboratories LABIOFAM (Cuba) to promote the Biological Rodenticide BIORAT in Libya.
Responding to the necessity detected in several Libyan regions and cities, the Libyan Government by the Environmental General Authority, created a National Scientific Committee for Rodents Control. The Scientific Committee is committed to identify the most efficient methods to fight rat and mice infestation and request the ART GOLD Libya programme and the IDEASS International Secretariat to realize a mission of LABIOFAM.
The LABIOFAM mission will be realized during next September 2006. A Workshop on BIORAT and its applications is planned in Tripoli, with a wide participation of the Libyan institutions involved. Field and laboratory tests will be carried out in Tripoli and Misrata to check the effectiveness of this natural biological rodenticide. BIORAT is successfully used in more than 20 countries and has contributed to face and control epidemics of bubonic plague, leptospirosis and other contagious diseases in different latitudes.
For more information about BIORAT please visit: