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La metodología madre canguro
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Díaz-Rosello José Luis and Martín Bellman (1984), Evaluation of the Ambulatory Care of Prema-tures after Early Discharge from the Hospital and a new method for the Rational Treatment of Prematures known as “Mother Kangaroo”. Preliminary Report of a Joint CLAP-PAHO/ WHO Consultation, Doc. Int. CLAP 48-84, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Rey Sanabria, Edgar y Héctor Martínez Gómez (1983), Manejo Racional del Niño Prematuro. 1 Curso de Medicina Fetal y Neonatal. Fundación Vivir, Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 137-151.

World Health Organization (1 985a), Feeding the Low-Birth-Weight-Lnfant. Review of recent Lite-rature WHO/MCH/85.9, WHO, Geneva.

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Cattaneo A, et al. Recommendations for the implementation of kangaroo mother care for low birthweight inafants. Acta Paediátrica, 1998, 87:440-445.

Ludington-Hoe SM, et al. Select physiologic measures and behavior during paternal skin contact with Colombian preterm infants. Journal of Developmental Physiologic, 1992, 18:223-232.

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Para buscar mayor información, y establecer colaboraciones permanentes, puede ser contactado el Doctor Héctor Martinez Gómez M.D. – Metodologia Madre Canguro. Docente adscrito Universidad Nacional. Bogotà. Colombia.

Dirección: Calle 145 No. 12-61 (603), Bogotá, Colombia
Tel. (57- 1) 615 13 15 - 211 24 19 - 248 88 45
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