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• Albania

El Paquete para el Manejo Integral de Plagas (MIP)
Para saber más

• Arambourg. Y., 1986 - Entomologie oleicole Cons. Oleic. Int. Madrid f.360
• Broumas T., & Haniotakis G., 1987 - Further studies on the control of the olive fruit fly by Mass-Trapping. Proc. II Intern. Symposium Fruit Flies, Crete. Sept 1986 f. 561-565.
• Bueno A. M., Jones O., 2002 - Alternative methods for controlling the olive fly B. oleae, involving semiochemicals. IOBC WRPS Bulletin Vol. 25.
• Collier R. etj. 2003 - Prospects for integrated control of olive fruit fly are promising in California. California Agriculture Vol 57 f 28-31
• Delrio G. 1995 - Controllo integrato dei fitofagi dell’olivo. Inf fitopat 12 f 9-15
• Economopoulos AP., 2002 - The olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae Gmelin: it’s importance and control; previous Site researches and pilot testing. Report to Intern. Atomoc Energy Agency, Viena, Austria. f. 44
• Ferguson, L., G.S. Sibbett, G.C. Martin. 1994 - Olive Production Manual. University of California publication f. 156
• Guario A. etj. 2001 - Le principali avversità parassitarie dell’olivo Bari f.134
• Haniotakis G. etj 1991 - An effective mass trapping method for the control of D. oleae. Journ. Econ. Entom. F. 84
• Iannotta N., Perri L., Rinaldi R., 1994 - Control of the olive fly by mass trapping in Calabria. Acta Horticulturae, 356: f. 411-413.
• IPM CRSP - Ninth Annual Report 2001-2002. Albanian Site f. 452-509
• IPM CRSP - Tenth Annual Report 2002-2003. Albanian Site f. 534-588
• Katsoyannos P. 1992 - Olive pests and their control in the Near East Fao Publication f. 178
• Mazomenos B. etj. 2000 - Attract and kill of olive fruit fly B. oleae in Greece as a part of an Integrated Control System. Samos, Greece. f. 10
• Montiel-Bueno A. 1986 - The use of sex pheromone for monitoring and control of olive fruit fly. Proc II Intern. Symp. Fruit Flies Crete, Greece Amsterdam Elsevier Science f. 483-95
• Neuenschwander P. etj., 1978 - The infestation of Dacus oleae Gmel at harvest time and its influence on yield and quality of olive oil in Crete. Z. ang. Ent., 86 f. 420-433.
• Richard E. R., 2000 - Bionomics of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae. UC Plant Protection Quarterly Vol 10. 3. f 1-5.
• Tedeschini J., Isufi E., Uka R., Bacaj M., Pfeiffer D., 2003 - “Attract and Kill” method using Ecotraps for controlling of OFF in Albania-(poster). 4th National IPM Symposium held in Indianapolis, 8-10 April 2003.
• Tedeschini J.,Thomaj F., Panajoti Dh., Bacaj M., Pitts C., Pfeiffer D., Ferguson L., 2003 - Effect of harvest timing on olive fruit fly infestation and olive oil yield and quality (poster). 4th National IPM Symposium held in Indianapolis, 8-10 April 2003.
• Tedeschini J., Stamo B., Huqi B., Pace H., Bacaj M., McGiffen M., Ferguson L., 2003 - Organic method of Vegetation Management and Olive Insects control in Albania. -(poster). 4th National IPM Symposium held in Indianapolis, 8-10 April 2003.
• Tremblay E. 1990 - Entomologia applicata.

Para información adicional acerca de la implementación del Paquete MIP para el control de la mosca del olivo, por favor contactar a:

Dr. Josef Tedeschini[/b]
Plant Protection Institute
Durres Albania

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