The Vice Ministry of Science and Technology of Bolivia promotes the use of Stabilak, with the cooperation of the National Center for Livestock Health CENSA of Cuba... more
Geneva, Switzerland
The World Health Organization is launching new cooperation activities in the field of traditional medicine in collaboration with IDEASS... more
Dominican Republic
The Business Innovation Centre BIC Thésame and the Solaref Company (France) visited the Dominican Republic to promote the autonomous solar ice Fridge... more
Dominican Republic
The Business Innovation Centre (BIC) Lazio and EBN – European Businness Innovation Centers Network - visited the Dominican Republic... more
Dominican Republic
The BIC Lazio receives Franco Jimmy Torres from Dominican Republic, to visit the Albergo Diffuso experiences in Lazio Region... more
Sri Lanka
The Ministry of Health in Nicaragua, in collaboration with the UNDP Country Office and the ART UNDP Sri Lanka Program, has taken action to provide the Leptospirosis kits requested by the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka... more
The National Council of Science and Technology launch the Third Edition of the National Contest of human development innovations... more
Regional Government, the University and LEDA of the Narino Department, together with UNDP ART REDES Program, established an agreement to launch the naturalistic engineering methodologies... more
In December 2008, the University of Nariño realized a mission in Ecuador, in order to visit some naturalistc engeenering projects implemented in the Manabi province, with the aim of adopting these innovative methodologies in Colombia... more
Latin America
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC, launched on December 11, 2008 the social innovation contest for Latin America and Caribbean. For more information …