The mission to Colombia of the University of Florence, Italy, was held on October 27, 2009, for the transfer of the naturalistic engineering... more
Sri Lanka
The Italian Umbria Region and the Sri Lankan health authorities cooperate at the mental health care reform process in the Uva Province... more
Paris, France
During the meeting held in Paris, a DVD was disseminated to the participants including a Conference of Edgar Morin on the necessary reforms of 21st century
text of the Conference in French
text of the Conference in English
text of the Conference in Spanish
The Meeting on knowledge and learning about natural inks for the textile craft sector, organized by the Vice Ministry of Science and Technology was held in Cochabamba... more
The Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Food implements at national level the mass trapping technique, key-tool of the “Integrated Pest Management Package on Olive”... more
On the 28th of October, the Vice President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Jaime Morales Carazo, gave the prizes of the III Edition of the National Award on Innovation for Human Development... more
Paris, France
The importance of innovations for human development has been emphasized by Edgar Morin, during the meeting held in Paris and focused on the seven necessary reforms of the 21st century... more
Start of the widespread Stabilak assessment tests in Bolivia, with the cooperation of the National Center for Livestock Health CENSA of Cuba... more
El Salvador
The School of the Morazán Economic Agency in El Salvador launched it’s activities in a regional public event... more