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In Bolivia, the national conference for the presentation of Filtrón took place, and Ceramistas por la Paz of Nicaragua provided technical assistance for technological transfer in the country... more


Trieste, Italy

More than 1500 people participated in the International Meeting on What is mental health today? Towards a global network of community health, which take place in Trieste from 9 to 13 February 2010. Contacts with website and webTV came from 66 countries... more



The international contest for awarding innovative products, methodologies and technologies which can contribute to human development in the field of Eco-Innovation, has been launched in the framework of the EURADA european network. The contest is organized in the framework of the agreement between EURADA, ILS LEDA (International Liaison Services for Local Development Agencies) and IDEASS. The contest is open to the 150 European Development Agencies associated to EURADA, and to 250 innovation structures linked to EURADA.

The prize of the competition will be delivered during the EURADA Agorada 2010 event that will take place in Brussels on 6-7 May 2010, to which all the associated agencies participate. The applications shall be submitted within the April 25th 2010 by 18.00 hours, via e mail to

The award will consist in a visit to a Local Economic Development Agency (LEDA) interested in the winner innovation. All the best innovations will also be published in the IDEASS International Catalogue. To know more, look at the website of EURADA:



Agritowers for multi-level cultivation, the innovation presented by the BIC Thésame of Annecy, France, has won the award organized in the framework of the European Network of the Business Innovation Centers EBN... more



More than 150 experts from 14 countries participated from 30 November 2009 to 2 December 2010, in the International Workshop The recovery of Historical Centres held in La Habana Vieja... more



In Bolivia, the Vice Ministry of Science and Technology is promoting the Filtrón of Nicaragua and organizing the first mission for technological transfer in the country... more


Albania - Sri Lanka

Health authorities of Sri Lanka will interchange experience with Albanian health authorities on the Mother Kangaroo Method... more


Dominican Republic

From 9 to 11 December 2009, a delegation of Dominican Republic visited the Bolzano Province (Italy) to share the methodologies of the Territorial Plans on Energy... more


Bruxelles, Belgium

The EBN-IDEASS International Contest for Innovation 2009

The prizes of the competition will be delivered on the 27th of January 2010, in Bruxelles (Belgium), Palais des Académies, during the 25th EBN Anniversary Ceremony.

The European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) and the IDEASS Programme (Innovations for Development and South-South cooperation), have established a cooperation framework aimed at developing innovations and their dissemination by launching, among other activities, the realization of an international contest open to the 200 BICs gathered into the EBN. This year’s theme, Eco-Innovations, has been first announced at the Cleantech Thematic Working Group meeting on the 24thof June.

More information, guidelines, application form and description of the Award are available on the following documents:

IDEASS Contest
EBN 25th Anniversary Programme
ECO Innovation Contest guidelines
Eco-innovation contest application form


Trieste, Italy

The International Meeting on What is mental health today? Towards a global network of community health, will take place in Trieste (Italy) from 9 to 13 February 2010.

You can find more information in the following documents:

Organizational Information