Serbia and Montenegro
From 13th to 19th June 2005 a mission of experts from the “Centro di Medicina Tradizionale Cinese Fior di Prugna” of the Public Health Agency 10 of Florence (Regione Toscana, Italy), pursued a very successful and valuable promotion of the Moxibustion method in Serbia, both at Local and National level. The mission - which consisted in a Seminar, various debates and activities - was prepared in collaboration with the Medical Faculty of the University of Kragujevac, with the Municipality of the City of Kragujevac and with the Institute of Social Medicine of the Republic of Serbia. A training course regarding the Moxibustion method was held in the Medical Faculty of Kragujevac. During the mission, specific meetings were held in Belgrade and Novi Sad with the representatives of the National Associations of Traditional Medicine and the Public Health authorities who are interested in the implementation of the Traditional and Natural Medicine and Practices in the public health system. The experts provided technical assistance to all the above mentioned actors for the elaboration of a project for the implementation of the Moxibustion method within the framework of the traditional medicine practices.
Program of the first seminar in the University of Kragujevac[color:#006600]PDF Document[/color]
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From 2nd to 6th May, a delegation of the Duress Obstetric Hospital carried out a scientific mission to Italy at the “Burlo Garofolo” Medical Institute of Trieste, pioneer of the Mother Kangaroo Method in Europe, within the framework of the activities for the implementation of the method in Albania.
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CONICYT and FUPADE (Fundación Ruben Darío), in collaboration with the UNDP Office in Nicaragua, and the APPI UNDP/UNOPS Program, have organized the 2nd “National Competition of Innovations for Human Development”, within the framework of IDEASS. The official launch of this event through all the medias is planned for 18 May 2005. The awards to the best innovations presented will be given during a ceremony organized for 29 September 2005. The CONICYT will form a multidisciplinary commission, involving recognized experts and personalities in the filed of human development. The competition will be open to all the organizations, NGO and Universities of Nicaragua acting in Human Development.
The Jícaro Tree
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The Defensoría service
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Treatment and use of the Ojoche pips
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[p:left]The mission on the Albanian newspapers-1
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The mission on the Albanian newspapers-3
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"Province of Guantanamo" Report PDF Document
Text in Spanish
"Province of Granma" Report PDF Document
Text in Spanish
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Executive Catalogue PDF Document
Text in English
Executive Catalogue PDF Document
Text in Spanish